

Provide single platform to enable your antenna design

Plenty of tools and database make your
design idea come true
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Co-Work with Project Team Member

Through project sharing with team, sync all design data and brain storming to speed up your design.
All antenna design reports are well organized. With AI-trained models for assisting...
Plenty of antenna design database available for you to review and download...
Data Drawing
Customized Design

Feel Frustrated When Design Your Own Antenna

Feel Frustrated When Design Your Own Antenna
Simulation tool price is too high and just provide the design trend
Difficult to collect data and make report
Take too much time to collect data and prepare report. Always relies on excel.
Trillion Combinations
Wait too much in either simulation or experiment. Difficult to find out the optimal design in a very short time
Lack of Design Database
Take too much time wasting on finding the design trend. If you could get database in advance, design time will be largely reduced.

WHAT WE Could Help

Just submit your spec and design target. No need to buy any software and hardware. Let AI generate design for you automatically
Simulation Modelling
Provide accurate simulation model to match real experiment environment

Customized Design Dashboard
Generate plenty of designs to reach design spec. All designs are with consolidated report for online review. Save experiment time and budget.
Customized AI Design Coding
Based on customer’s target spec, we build neural network and design automation script to make AI learn by itself
Build Customer’s Design Database
All the design database are provided to our customers. You are able to migrate these designs to different environment for applications in the future.


Why should we adapt Jarvis system?
In complex antenna design problem, there are trillion combinations with multiple design specs. Jarvis system would build neural network and use design automation solution to help you find the optimal solution in a very short time.
Using the Jarvis system, will I need to purchase or operate simulation software?
What's IP policy when using Jarvis system?
How long does it take to generate data in Jarvis System?
Is it possible for the Jarvis system to resolve the difference between simulation and experiment results?