Dual-Band MIMO Antenna With Compact Self-Decoupled Antenna Pairs for 5G Mobile Applications

Antenna size : 22 x 7 mm2
Ground plane size: 150mm x 73mm
Operation frequency: 3.5/4.9 GHz

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Dual-Band MIMO Antenna With Compact Self-Decoupled Antenna Pairs for 5G Mobile Applications

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In this paper, a dual-band four-element multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) antenna system based on compact self-decoupled antenna pairs is proposed for the fifth-generation (5G) operation in mobile terminals.
By sharing one common grounding branch for the two adjacent antenna units, dual-band antenna pairs with high isolation can be obtained. In particular, the two compact antenna pairs are placed perpendicularly on both sides of the system ground plane. The MIMO antenna system is optimized to operate in both 3.5 GHz (3.4–3.6 GHz) and 4.9 GHz (4.8–5.0 GHz) bands with isolation better than −17.5 dB for the low band and −20 dB for the high band. The proposed dual-band four-antenna MIMO system is fabricated and measured, and a good agreement between the simulation and measurement is obtained. Moreover, the influences of the display panel on the performance of the MIMO antenna system are also studied and discussed.

Optimized Values

We follow this parameter and duplicate into xFDTD environment.

Result Comparison

Fig.2-1 Measured and simulated (gray dash lines) S parameters for the proposed design; C = 4.0 pF.

Fig.2-2 Simulated Results in xFDTD


Fig.3-1 Measured peak antenna gain and antenna efficiency for port1 and port2 excitation studied in Figs. 7 and 8.

Fig.3-2 Simulated Results in xFDTD

Fig.3-3 Simulated Results in xFDTD


Fig.4-1 Simulated ECC based on the simulated, complex, E-field radiation patterns for port1 and port2 excitation studied in Fig. 6

Fig.4-2 ECC in xFDTD

Fig.4-3 ECC in xFDTD

Radiation Patterns

Fig 5.1 2D antenna radiation patterns of Ant1 and Ant2 of 4-antenna MIMO system at 3.5GHz. (i) Ant1 in xoy plane

Fig 5.2 xoy plane

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